Our daughters are not for sale. They are all our daughters.
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Our Daughters International, and our partners, exist to bring an end to human trafficking, and to bring our daughters into safety. Our holistic approach enables rescued victims of trafficking to be restored as daughters and developed as leaders impacting their communities for today and tomorrow.

Our mission is to rescue and restore our daughters.


Our goal at Our Daughters is to provide holistic care to the girls and women we rescue. Without a strategy that includes trauma counseling, education and job skills training, many of the rescued girls will continue to be vulnerable to being re-trafficked. By engaging in leadership development and training, our daughters will return to their villages as leaders and begin the process of community transformation.


Unhealthy Community

The rural and isolated villages of Nepal are poor and provide little hope of a future for the girls living there. Many of the girls are tricked, persuaded, forced or sold into human trafficking in India or the Middle East. Once in a brothel, victims are sold to men 20-30 times per day.



Border Stations

Potential trafficking victims are stopped at the border between Nepal and India and interviewed by experienced partners. If they are identified as trafficking victims, they are reunited with their family or taken to the safe house for ongoing care.


Safehome & Training Center

When these survivors enter the safe house they become “our daughters.” While in the safe house, they receive intense trauma counseling, health assessments and care, and peer to peer counseling. Learning job skills at the training center will allow our daughters to return to their community with a self-sustainable job. They also become anti-trafficking advocates so they can defend the next generation.


Healing Community

As empowered leaders, our daughters return to their communities and establish self-sustaining businesses, women’s empowerment groups and saving groups. Some of these savings groups have grown into federal banks! The likelihood of a girl being trafficked from an empowered community is greatly diminished.




An estimated 24.9 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery. 15.4 million victims (75%) are aged 18 or older, with the number of children under the age of 18 estimated at 5.5 million (25%). According to a September 2017 report from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and Walk Free Foundation.


In many rural and isolated villages, girls are tricked, persuaded, forced, or sold into human trafficking. Sometimes they are promised a better life in a far away land only to end up in a brothel in India or in the Middle East. Their passports and travel documents are taken, leaving them isolated and unable to escape the nightmare.

An estimated 25,000-35,000 girls are trafficked from Nepal to India and beyond each year. Nearly 80% will end up being sexually exploited.


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