10 border stations, two bus parks, and one train depot span the entire India-Nepal border from east to west.

Mahendranagar Team

Biratnagar Team

Sunauli Team

Nepalgunj Team

Kakadvitta Team

Madi Team

Krishnanagar Team

Birgunj Team
10 border stations, two bus parks and two train depots span the entire India-Nepal border from east to west.
Border Station Facilitators, many who were once victims themselves, monitor traffic at the border.
Potential victims are stopped and interviewed. If a victim is identified, they are rescued and taken to the Transit Home, an emergency shelter at the border, where they stay two-three days.
During their stay, teams walk alongside the survivor, and partner with local law enforcement and government officials to determine next steps. 90% of the time, a survivor is able to be reunited with her family.
At this time, the family is educated about the dangers of human trafficking.
If safety, trauma, or other issues prevent her from being reunited, she is given the opportunity to be welcomed as “our daughter” at the Safe Home.

Kabita was trafficked as a young woman and sold to the brothels of India. There, she was subjected to atrocities beyond the imagination.
After months of torture, Kabita was able to escape. She ran as fast and as far away as she could. When she finally stopped, she realized she had no idea where she was or who she could trust for help.
In her despair, Kabita was found by the authorities who took her in and called upon our partners for help.
Kabita was brought into the care of our partners where she was finally safe and surrounded by staff who would protect her. Our partners worked tirelessly to repatriate her back to Nepal where she could begin recovery in the Safe Home.
It was an incredibly long and difficult road, but Kabita made a remarkable turn. She became determined to save other girls that were living the life she had escaped. She remembered the girls she left behind and could see their faces when she closed her eyes.
Kabita is now a lead border counselor, rescuing trafficking victims crossing into India. She uses her life and experience to stand against traffickers and stand beside victims.

- Kabita -
"I know the reason I survived and was rescued was so that I could save others."