Earning a sustainable income is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and helping to eradicate human trafficking.
Over the years, hundreds of businesses have been launched by the daughters and they are able to provide for themselves and their families.
The Women’s Entrepreneur Society Nepal was established as a non-profit organization that will provide:
1. hands-on marketplace training for daughters,
2. financial support for daughters who start businesses,
3. ongoing business acumen support that will help them run their businesses effectively.
A portion of the businesses profits will be invested back into WESN with the eventual goal of each business unit becoming financially independent. This will allow for additional business opportunities to be added to the organization. The ultimate vision of WES is to establish daughter-run businesses throughout the entire country of Nepal that provide sustainable wages. This innovative approach completes the holistic solution in what we believe will bring an end to human trafficking."

Transformation starts at the grassroots level. When a daughter returns to her community, she will look for ways to engage as many people as possible in helping her fight against human trafficking.
Rallying other women from her community, she will start a Community Empowerment Group. Together, these women start businesses, establish micro-savings groups, and raise awareness surrounding the issues of human trafficking, gender-based violence and child marriage.
Adolescents' Groups - Peer-to-peer influence is also key in helping combat trafficking. Daughters identify young leaders in their communities who they can partner with and host awareness activities.
Perhaps the most powerful way to break the cycle of human trafficking is to challenge the cultural view of women. When a daughter returns to her community, “real men” are identified who will start Man Up Defender groups and commit to fighting against human
trafficking and gender-based violence.
When a girl completes her education it dramatically decreases the risk of her being trafficked. Through the NoChild Education Sponsorship Program, hundreds of girls are given the opportunity to graduate and pursue their dreams of attending university and going on to have successful careers.

Education Coordinator &
Anti-Human Trafficking Activist
Nisha was a young girl when she visited her sister who had left home and moved to the city for work. One evening, she went out with her sister’s friends who secretly drugged her and sold her to a brothel in India. Nisha endured physical and sexual abuse every day for three years.
Finally, a customer took pity on her and helped her escape to the border where she was rescued and brought to our Safe Home. Nisha experienced crippling trauma, but with the constant presence and encouragement of the Safe Home counselors, she was able to begin healing. Slowly she found hope and decided on her purpose in life -she wanted to become part of the movement to help protect other vulnerable girls like herself.
After her time at the Safe Home, Nisha moved on to the Training Center where she graduated and became a Border Counselor using her own story to counsel and rescue hundreds of other at-risk girls. Still, she wanted to do even more to protect girls that were vulnerable to human trafficking so she accepted a position with our partners as the Education Coordinator.
Nisha now travels to schools around the nation, proactively educating children about the dangers of human trafficking and encourages girls to stay in school. She uses her own story to raise awareness and advocate for legal intervention and systemic change. Nisha has visited over 50 schools nationwide, presenting to more than 1,500 students. Nisha also uses social media to engage and educate her followers about issues like human trafficking and gender inequality in Nepal.

“I want to use my story to help empower other young women to rise up in their communities as leaders.”
- Nisha -