When a survivor arrives at one of the two Safe Homes, she is welcomed as “our daughter” by a loving house mother and staff.
First, the teams ensure that her basic needs are met. She receives a warm bed with a place to put her belongings, additional clothing, personal products, nutritious meals, and a loving, caring environment.
Knowing that the majority of girls who arrive have experienced great trauma or neglect, intensive one-on-one trauma counseling is started right away. At the same time, the daughter participates in peer-to-peer counseling as it’s important for her to know she is not alone on her pathway to freedom.
After the daughter is ready, she is matched to a counselor who will walk alongside of her to help her dream about the future.
Together, they begin to develop a plan that will help her realize her dreams of completing her education or learning a vocational skill at the Training Center that will lead to a bright future.
The daughter stays at the Safe Homes between two and three months.

Pyschosocial Counselor
Sushila was in eleventh grade when she received a marriage proposal from a businessman in India. With her family's encouragement, Sushila agreed to the marriage on the one condition that she could complete her education. Her prospective husband agreed.
Once married, Sushila and her husband left Nepal to settle in their new home. Upon arriving to India, Sushila learned that the business her husband actually ran was a prostitution ring and that she, his own wife, would be exploited.
Days and months of agony followed the marriage. Sushila’s husband not only forced her into sexual slavery, but he also abused, tortured and imprisoned her.
A nearby neighbor became aware of her situation and contacted her father who then contacted our partners. Sushila was rescued and brought to our partner’s Safe Home where she received intensive care and counseling.
With the encouragement and support from our partners’ leadership team, Sushila worked with law enforcement to bring down her husband’s trafficking ring. She now works as a border counselor and provides pyschosocial support to daughters in trauma.

“Until my last breath I will continue to work to make our society free from human-trafficking.”
- Sushila -